The Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Queensland Police Union (QPU) have recently reached a new enterprise bargaining agreement, which has been hailed as a win for both parties. The agreement provides a number of significant benefits for police officers, including improved salary increases, additional leave entitlements, and enhanced work-life balance provisions.

Under the new agreement, police officers will receive a 2.5% pay increase per annum, which is in line with the Queensland Government`s public service wages policy. This increase will be retroactively applied from July 1, 2019, and will continue until June 30, 2022. In addition, police officers will receive an additional 1% pay increase per annum for the duration of the agreement, which will be funded by productivity improvements within the QPS.

The agreement also provides for a number of additional leave entitlements, including an extra five weeks` leave for officers who have completed more than 20 years of service, and an additional two weeks` leave for officers who are transferring to a new location. These additional leave entitlements aim to improve work-life balance for police officers and recognise the demands of the role.

Other significant improvements to the enterprise bargaining agreement include greater flexibility around rostering arrangements, which aim to provide more choice for police officers in terms of their working hours, and new provisions around study and professional development opportunities.

The QPU has praised the new agreement, stating that it is a significant improvement on the previous agreement and will provide a range of benefits for police officers across Queensland. According to the QPU, the agreement demonstrates a commitment from both the QPS and the Queensland Government to supporting police officers and ensuring they receive fair and equitable employment conditions.

For the QPS, the new enterprise bargaining agreement is an important step in ensuring it can attract and retain high-quality police officers, who are essential to the safety and security of communities across Queensland. The agreement is also another example of the QPS`s commitment to improving the wellbeing and job satisfaction of its officers.

In conclusion, the new enterprise bargaining agreement between the QPS and the QPU is a significant achievement for both parties. The agreement provides a range of benefits for police officers, including improved pay increases, additional leave entitlements, and greater work-life balance provisions. It is an important step in ensuring that police officers in Queensland are recognised for their service and can continue to provide high-quality policing to the community.