As the world continues to grapple with the devastating effects of climate change, the Paris Agreement has become an essential tool for countries to unite in the fight against global warming. This historic agreement, signed in 2015, aims to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. However, not all countries have signed on to the Paris Agreement. Here are some countries that are not part of the Paris Agreement:

1. United States – The most significant absence from the Paris Agreement is the United States. In 2017, former President Donald Trump announced that the country would withdraw from the agreement, citing supposed economic disadvantages. However, President Joe Biden has since rejoined the agreement, demonstrating the nation`s renewed commitment to fighting climate change.

2. Iran – Another notable country that is not part of the Paris Agreement is Iran. The country has not ratified the agreement due to a lack of trust in the international community and concerns over sovereignty. However, Iran has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable energy sources.

3. Turkey – Turkey is also not part of the Paris Agreement, although the country signed the agreement in 2016. However, the government has yet to ratify the agreement, citing concerns over financial costs and the unfair burden placed on developing countries.

4. Russia – Despite being one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters globally, Russia has not ratified the Paris Agreement. The country has shown no interest in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and has instead focused on increasing its oil and gas production.

5. Saudi Arabia – Another significant greenhouse gas emitter is Saudi Arabia, which has not ratified the Paris Agreement. The country has been criticized for its inaction on climate change and continued reliance on fossil fuels.

These are just a few examples of countries that have not joined the Paris Agreement. Although the agreement is not legally binding, it is essential in encouraging countries to take action on climate change. By not participating in the agreement, countries risk falling behind in the race to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change`s devastating effects.