The Barossa Council Enterprise Agreement for 2019: What You Need to Know

The Barossa Council, a local government authority located in the Barossa Valley region of South Australia, recently ratified its enterprise agreement for the year 2019. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for council staff and covers a range of salient issues such as wages, hours of work, leave entitlements, and occupational health and safety.

One of the key features of the 2019 enterprise agreement is the provision for a 2% pay increase for all council employees. This pay hike is intended to reflect the rising cost of living and to ensure that council staff are fairly compensated for their work. It is worth noting that the pay increase is retroactive to 1 July 2018, meaning that council employees will receive back pay for the past six months.

Another important aspect of the enterprise agreement is the introduction of new flexible work arrangements. This allows council employees to negotiate flexible working hours or to work from home where appropriate. This is a valuable benefit for staff who need to balance their work commitments with family or other personal responsibilities.

The 2019 enterprise agreement also includes a range of other benefits and entitlements for council employees. For instance, staff are entitled to up to 20 days of paid annual leave per year, along with an additional six days of personal leave and up to 10 days of sick leave. There are also provisions for paid parental leave, as well as long service leave after 10 years of continuous service.

From an occupational health and safety perspective, the enterprise agreement provides for regular workplace inspections and risk assessments, along with the provision of appropriate training and equipment to ensure that council staff can perform their duties safely. There are also provisions for confidential counselling and support services for employees who may be experiencing personal or work related problems.

Overall, the Barossa Council Enterprise Agreement for 2019 represents a fair and comprehensive set of employment conditions for council employees. By providing for fair remuneration, flexible working arrangements, and a range of other benefits and entitlements, the agreement ensures that council staff are able to work in a safe and supportive environment where their rights and interests are protected.